Return/Exchange Policy

As a general guideline, we do not accept returns or exchanges.  This will remain posted at POS, and displayed on tickets and receipts.

We will make exceptions using management best judgement.  Apologize for the inconvenience, and explain this is a one-time only courtesy.

We will not perform returns/exchanges for E-Bay shoppers.  We don’t do large returns or for habitual returners.

Call, Carolyn, Teri, or Joe if you need assistance making a decision.

  • A Store Manager or Assistant Store Manager must complete the return/refund transaction.  Make certain to process the transaction of the current date – do not edit the previous sale.  Add the reason for the return in the comment section.
  • If a customer has a receipt from any of our permanent stores – not a pop-up – within the past 7 days, we will do an exchange for the same SKU if available.  If not, exchange for another item.
  • Refunds should be very rare (example: a customer purchases shoes that are different sizes or 2 rights/lefts and we don’t have an exchange; item is damaged so badly that is should not have been on the sales floor and there is not an exchange).  If the returned item is damaged, place with your salvage items.

We will ALWAYS give a refund if we have made a mistake at the register (rang up too many items, forgot a discount, rang an item by mistake).

We will always take a sensor off and make certain to apologize for the inconvenience.  The exception is a suit jacket or coat – the customer must bring in the receipt with these items to have the sensor tag removed.